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English-Hindi > beg the question

beg the question meaning in Hindi

beg the question sentence in Hindi
1.Which begs the question as to what exactly he was calling for.

2.This begs the question : Who is really obsessed with sex here?

3.Which begs the question : How long has this been going on?

4.Which begs the question : How much of this can we take?

5.All of which begs the question : Why not have a Wimbledome?

6.All of which begs the question of how to improve the officiating.

7.The early returns beg the question : Is the Big 12 overrated?

8.It all begs the question : Do Bartholomay and Grunenwald play billiards?

9.This still begs the question of how good the early work is.

10.Which begs the question : can you win one by outscoring people?

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How to say beg the question in Hindi and what is the meaning of beg the question in Hindi? beg the question Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.